Prep & Aftercare

How should I prepare for my appointment?

Bring your photo ID, a snack and water bottle or sugary drink with you to your appointment.

Come to your appointment alone - due to size of the shop we can only accommodate one person per artist at a time.

I recommend moisturizing and exfoliating the area for 2 weeks before your appointment. This can really help prep your skin for your new tattoo and make the tattoo process smoother.

Please be sure you are well rested, hydrated and eat a good size meal before your appointment. Refrain from partying the night before, it tends to make the tattoo experience more uncomfortable.

Wear comfy clothing to your appointment! Preferably darker in colour to avoid potential ink stains. If you’re getting your back, ribs or arms tattooed please consider bringing a button up or zip up hoodie with you. These are great for keeping you warm and covered while allowing us to access the area we’re tattooing. If we’re tattooing your chest, sternum or stomach please bring a zip up sweater and nipple coverings to use while getting tattooed. If that is not possible for you, makeshift coverings will be provided if need be to make your tattoo experience as comfortable as possible. I will never require you to expose part of your body during the tattoo process unless it is necessary to access the area to complete your tattoo.

We also have privacy dividers available at the shop that can easily be set up. If you would prefer the dividers to be set up for your appointment please include that in your submission form.

If you prefer to wear a mask during your appointment that works for me! Just wear your mask into your appointment and I’ll also put one on. Otherwise I’ll most likely be operating without a mask.

While your tattoo is healing, make sure you have a non scented soap and a water based, non scented moisturizer. Please reach out if you’d like any product recommendations.

Tattoo Aftercare

1. Please keep your bandage on for 24 hours, unless otherwise specified by your artist.

2. With clean hands, wash the tattoo thoroughly with unscented liquid soap or a fresh bar of unscented soap and warm water. Be sure to wash off all blood, ink, or plasma that has surfaced.

3. Blot your tattoo dry with paper towel. Do not use your bath towel. Continue washing your tattoo daily in the same way! Showers are good, but avoid baths or soaking it in any way.

4. 3 days later (depending on your body and tattoo), your tattoo will start feeling dry and itchy. At this point, you can start moisturizing with a water based, non-scented moisturizer such as Aveeno. Avoid oil or petroleum based products as it won’t let your tattoo breathe properly. You just want to apply a thin layer a few times a day, working it in as you would a hand cream.

5. If scabs form, resist the urge to pick at them. It’s normal to see some flaking or scabbing during the healing process.

6. Avoid excessive sunlight.

7. The healing process can last anywhere between 2-4 weeks. This can depend on your skin, the tattoo and the placement.

8. If you are having a serious or adverse reaction, please consult a health care professional.

9. For any questions, pleas reach out by email. I’m always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Feel free to pop in once it’s healed, I always love to see how my tattoos heal up! Thank you for your support!